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Writer's pictureRodney Omron, MD MPH

High Risk Low Frequency Presents The Transvenous Pacer Course

Updated: Jun 13, 2023

So you come on a shift and the tech hands you the following EKG:

And you think you should probably be getting ready for a transvenous pacer but you forget how to so you look at this website and pull up this checklist:

But you don't remember the specifics so you look at this Powerpoint describing the entire procedure:

Then you decide maybe I should spend 20 minutes and review the pittfalls video's I created to remind you of the tricky steps so next time you will feel more comfortable placing one:

The entire procedure from beginning to end:

Unboxing of the Equipment:

CVC Insertion Simulator Ⅱ from

Medtronic Single Chamber Pacer

Medtronic Dual Chamber Pacer

Transvenous pacer wire

Alligator Claps to attach the V1 lead to the distal/negative terminal

Unboxing Video

How to attach the transvenous pacer to V1 and to the generator

What to do if SVT occurs

Attach the wires to the generator after getting the injury pattern

Dont forget the sheath

What to do if asystole happens?

This is a demonstration showing why only the distal tip works to complete the circuit and NOT the proximal:

This is a demonstration of how very echogenic the pacer wire is.

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